I am all about goals, so the week of October 2nd, I need some goals. I bit off a little too much last time, so hopefully I am able to get all of these things done this week.

  1. Buy a kitchen composting machine
  2. Use my new bow
  3. Set up outdoor composter
  4. Learn about taking down a garden

This week, I am mostly just trying out things and setting things up. I did buy the kitchen composting machine already, so I can knock that off the list.

Kitchen Composting Machine

I bought the Vitamix Food Cycler from Amazon. It was 349.99. As the week progresses, I will use it and tell you how it works. I love my Vitamix, so I am sure that this Kitchen Composting Machine will also be awesome.

Outdoor Composter

From Home Depot, I bought the most popular outdoor composter. It was $89.00, which was cheaper than the manufacturer’s website.

I began putting the outdoor composter together, and it was too difficult. There were just so many parts. I need to look at the instructions online, so this will help me do that by the end of the week.

The problem that I had setting it up was the exact problem that the instructions said I would have. When I set up the base, for the rotating composter, the base was too small (2 inches too small). My sister watched this video, which went through the problem that I had. Then, we were able to set it up without a hitch.

Using my New Bow

I have begun to use my new bow, and I love it. I am not sure if I need to adjust it for better aim. So far, I have never hit the target. I don’t know if that is because my arms are not steady or because I need to adjust the sight.

The next thing I need to do is get a license to use my bow and pay to hunt something. It seems like I am late at doing this so the only thing I can shoot is turkeys, but I will sign up to do that.

Learn about Taking Down a Garden

I did some research about taking down a garden, but I will dig deeper into this. My mom already took down the garden and since we will not have that property next year, we don’t have to be concerned with the prep for next year’s garden.


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